

The founder of The Old Salt Loft  has done it again -  brought her ideas life!

Cozy Robes are travel change robes designed to keep you warm and cozy all year round.

Both of Sarah’s children are active in and on the water, either swimming or sailing. With the current restrictions due to Covid-19, everyone is having to adapt to the new 'normal.'  With increased rules to help maintain social distancing, changing rooms are closed and whilst every effort has been made to keep activities open, Sarah wanted to make that new normal simple.

Having tried onesies, which are not easy to put on when your wet as they tend to get stuck to your skin and change robes, but boy do you get cold legs in the winter! Sarah wanted to create a simple solution to getting home while wet.

Sarah’s idea was a simple towelling trouser to go under a robe!

As you step out of the water your wet items can be removed, your robe put over your head and step into your trousers, allowing you to travel home warm and dry offering a fast and effective way of getting home to the shower.  Combined with a nylon drawstring bag designed to sit on to protect the car seats from getting wet, it offers a complete solution to the problem. 

After searching on the internet, Sarah discovered you couldn’t buy towelling trousers....So out came the sewing machine, in came the terry towelling fabric and Cozy Robes began its journey.


The Old Salt Loft is a bespoke manufacturing company based in Essex, UK. The company was started in 2010 manufacturing bags out of recycled sailcloth and has since expanded into garment printing and embroidery.

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